There are many situations that could arise due to faulty Car LCD screen. A faulty speedometer reading could result in a speeding ticket, which in turn could lead to paying thousands of dollars in higher insurance premiums. A faulty fuel gauge reading could result in you or your family being stranded, in any number of unsafe locations, or in hazardous weather conditions. In a word, this LCD screen in your car quite matters a lot in your car, when it goes wrong, you’d better have it repaired or replaced right away.
Here is a LCD replacement recommendation for your Peugeot 407:
SA1004-2 LCD Screen With FPC.
It is the improved version of SA1004
- For instrument cluster / dashboard
- For Peugeot 407 (2006)
- For Peugeot 407 Petrol 3.0 (2004-2009)
- Two years full European Warranty.
Founded in 2007, Sacer Ltd is a major enterprise specialized in automotive electronics parts integrating independent R&D, manufacture and distribution in aftermarket. With over 10 years auto electronic experience, there is no other better choice than Sacer when it comes to having your Peugeot, BMW, or Audi etc instrument cluster parts replaced! When you compare what we are offering vs. those other suppliers, it's easy to see who has the best value for your dollar! Visit us and find out what you need at our online shop,
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